- Trails Of Cold Steel 2 Update Patch Download Pc
- Trails Of Cold Steel 2 Japanese Voice Patch Download
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- Trails Of Cold Steel 2 Update Patch Download Free
- Trails Of Cold Steel 3
Tags The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel IV The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel IV Update v1.2 Previous PBA Pro Bowling 2021 Update v20210219-CODEX Next Thems Fightin Herds Shanty Update v2.0.5-CODEX.
viewtopic.php?t=6037I am unable to edit the first post on that topic but it contains all the tables that work up to version 1.4.
They changed things drastically with 1.4.1 and I will have to devote time to basically find everything again and I haven't had much time to do that, but I did spend some time pulling the item id list again and adding in an Override Item ID on Gain of Item option that I had put in the other Legend of Heroes tables I've done.
This table is for 1.4.1, but not everything works.
Options so far:
Trails Of Cold Steel 2 Update Patch Download Pc
Damage Mod (God Mode, One Hit Kill, Enemy Damage Mult, Enemy Healing Mult, Hero Damage Mult, Hero Healing Mult, HeroCannotDie)Infinite Battle EP
Infinite CP, Max CP on Hit
Max Bravery Points (5)
Overdrive Multiplier/Instant Overdrive
Infinite Items/Set Minimum Item Amount
Override Item ID On Gain of Item
Run Speed Multiplier
Battle Trophy Multiplier
Phantasmal Mirror Works Everywhere
Infinite Turns Left (Allies, Positive Status Effects)
Add Positive Status Effects (Allies, When Adding A Status Normally)
Infinite NG+ Points
Infinite Fishing Attempts
Always Have Moebius Effect For Item Range
Always Have Megalith HP/EP/CP Regeneration Effect
Always Have Magius Arts Area Effect
Always Have Emblem Effect and 100% Triple Advantage Chance
Fast Link EXP (Bonding Events)
Fast Link EXP (Battle)
EXP Multiplier
Multiply Stats On Equip / Add Bonus ACC+/EVA+ On Equip
Pointers for Mira, Sepith Crystals and Sepith (All Types), Angler Points (Current and Cumulative)
Pointers for Bonding Points, Current Rank, AP and Bonus AP
Inventory Editor
Orbment Editor
Character Editor
EDIT 1 file:
I found time to fix Orbment Editor. You have to view main menu and then choose character manually.
EDIT 1.5 file:

EDIT 1.75 file:
I was able to come up with a different approach and fixed Always Critical Hit (Allies) in this update.
EDIT 2.0 file:
I am returning to this game during my vacation and may plan to play through it, so worked on updating some of this table. You can always go back to 1.4 using the beta tab of Steam and use that table, but I have Infinite Turns Left working now. I also put in an Improved Master Quartz EXP Multiplier that works well for me. I fixed EXP Multiplier for this version also. There is very little left that does not work. I'm not sure if I will spend more time on the table or just play through it some.
EDIT 2.1 file:
Found a bug in the Infinite Turns Left option. It should work now in this update.
EDIT 2.5 file:
I have progressed to picking up Angelica in Act 2 - Part 2 and I noticed the Emblem Master Quartz effect was nice to have, so I made an option to always have the Emblem Effect and make it 100% Triple Advantage Chance. This can help with the achievement and overall battles. I also put in a Run Speed Multiplier in the last update I forgot to mention.
Trails Of Cold Steel 2 Japanese Voice Patch Download

EDIT 2.75 file:
I was able to complete the game one time so far. I've fixed Infinite NG+ Points and Always Have Moebius Effect for Items, but this only appears to affect items targeting enemies. I think they nerfed Moebius in this game to not affect items targeting allies. Anyway, I think most major things work now. A few things still don't but I made it through the game just fine without it. I actually hardly used arts at all in my playthrough.
EDIT 3.0 file:
I decided to do one more option in an effort to help get some trophies for myself. Battle Trophy Multiplier. This affects the battle stats, so Overdrive, Link attacks, etc. This makes things go somewhat faster and you can set the multiplier for what each one counts as.
EDIT 3.25 file:
Someone requested an option to let Phantasmal Mirror's work everywhere instead of just the final dungeon. After a little research, I was able to find the option. Enjoy! You have to still equip the mirror, but it works outside the final dungeon with the option enabled.
How to use this cheat table?
Trails Of Cold Steel Review
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
XSEED Games has released an update for both The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II on PC that adds Japanese voice overs.
The new 1.6 update for both games adds the aforementioned Japanese voices, as well as other tweaks and improvements.
To celebrate the new additions, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel has a 40 percent discount (Steam, Humble, GOG), while The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II has a 30 percent discount (Steam, Humble, GOG).
Trails Of Cold Steel 3 News
Here’s the patch notes:
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
New Features
- Added an option for Japanese voice language.
- Added four Steam leaderboards. Compare your scores against your Steam friends—and everyone else—in Total Battle Victories, Triple Advantage Battles, Angler Points, and Academic Points. Note: if you already completed the game, you need to start it and load a save for your scores to be uploaded. (This is a Steam-only feature.)
Graphics Improvements
- Added a high resolution UI font option.
- Added the ability to natively load modded textures. (Check out BigHead’s fantastic high-res UI texture mod.)
- Made soft shadows stable under camera rotation.
Trails Of Cold Steel 2 Update Patch Download Youtube

Voice and Text Improvements
- Added 148 additional English voice lines.
- Implemented some minor dialogue text fixes.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II
New Features
Trails Of Cold Steel 2 Update Patch Download Free
- Added an option for Japanese voice language.
- Added four Steam leaderboards. Compare your scores against your Steam friends—and everyone else—in Total Battle Victories, Triple Advantage Battles, Angler Points, and Academic Points. Note: if you already completed the game, you need to start it and load a save for your scores to be uploaded. (This is a Steam-only feature.)
Graphics Improvements
Trails Of Cold Steel 3
- Added a high resolution UI font option to the launcher.
- the ability to natively load modded textures. (Check out BigHead’s fantastic high-res UI texture mod.)