Dell Secure Mobile Access Connect Tunnel Download For Mac

Firewall, Mobile Connect establishes a Clean VPN™, an extra layer of protection that decrypts and scans all SSL VPN traffic for malware before it enters the network. Mobile device registration and authorization policy management— New with Mobile Connect 3.1 and Secure Mobile Access OS 11.0 for Dell SonicWALL E-Class SRA appliances, prior.


Configuration of the Microsoft Tunnel VPN gateway for Microsoft Intune is a multi-step process. The process includes use of the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, and running a script to install the tunnel software on a Linux server, which must run Docker. While this article walks you through the steps to configure the Microsoft Tunnel for use, configuration of Linux and Docker is beyond the scope of this content.

When installing the Microsoft Tunnel, you’ll start in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center to define both Servers and Sites. Then, you run the tunnel installation script on a Linux server that has Docker installed. The script installs containers to support the tunnel server, pulls information from Intune about the tunnel Sites you’ve defined for your tenant, and then installs the Tunnel server. The Linux server can run on-premises or in the cloud. Depending on your environment and infrastructure, extra configurations and software, like Azure ExpressRoute, might be needed.

Before you continue, be sure to complete the following tasks:

  • Review and Configure prerequisites for Microsoft Tunnel.
  • Run the Microsoft Tunnel readiness tool to confirm your environment is ready to support use of the tunnel.

After your prerequisites are ready, return to this article to begin installation and configuration of the tunnel.

Create a Server configuration

Use of a Server configuration lets you create a configuration a single time and have that configuration used by multiple servers. The configuration includes IP address ranges, DNS servers, and split-tunneling rules. Later, you’ll assign a Server configuration to a Site, which automatically applies that configuration to each server that joins that Site.

To create a Server configuration

  1. Sign in to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center > Tenant administration > Microsoft Tunnel Gateway > select theServer configurationstab > Create new.

  2. On the Basics tab, enter a Name and Description(optional) and select Next.

  3. On the Settings tab, configure the following items:

    • IP address range: IP addresses within this range are leased to devices when they connect to Tunnel Gateway. For example,

    • DNS servers: These servers are used when a DNS request comes from a device that's connected to Tunnel Gateway.

    • DNS suffix search(optional): This domain is provided to clients as the default domain when they connect to Tunnel Gateway.

    • Split tunneling(optional): Include or exclude addresses. Included addresses are routed to Tunnel Gateway. Excluded addresses aren’t routed to Tunnel Gateway. For example, you might configure an include rule for or

      Split tunneling supports a total of 500 rules between both include and exclude rules. For example, if you configure 300 include rules, you can only have 200 exclude rules.

    • Server port: Enter the port that the server listens to for connections.

  4. On the Review + create tab, review the configuration, and then select Create to save it.

Create a Site

Sites are logical groups of servers that host Microsoft Tunnel. You’ll assign a Server configuration to each Site you create. That configuration is applied to each server that joins the Site.

To create a Site configuration

  1. Sign in to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center > Tenant administration > Microsoft Tunnel Gateway > select theSitestab > Create.

  2. On the Create a site pane, specify the following properties:

    • Name: Enter a name for this Site.

    • Description(optional)

    • Public IP address or FQDN: Specify a public IP address or FQDN, which is the connection point for devices that use the tunnel. This IP address or FQDN can identify an individual server or a load-balancing server. The IP address or FQDN must be resolvable in public DNS and the resolved IP address must be publicly routable.

    • Server configuration: Use the drop-down to select a server configuration to associate with this Site.

    • Automatically upgrade servers at this site: If Yes, servers upgrade automatically when an upgrade is available. If No, upgrade is manual and an administrator must approve an upgrade before it can start.

      For more information, see Upgrade Microsoft Tunnel.

    • Limit server upgrades to maintenance window: If Yes, server upgrades for this site can only start between the start time and end time specified. There must be at least an hour between the start time and end time. When set to No, there is no maintenance window and upgrades start as soon as possible depending on how Automatically upgrade servers at this site is configured.

      When set to Yes, configure the following options:

      • Time zone – The time zone you select determines when the maintenance window starts and ends on all servers in the site, regardless of the time zone of individual servers.
      • Start time – Specify the earliest time that the upgrade cycle can start, based on the time zone you selected.
      • End time - Specify the latest time that upgrade cycle can start, based on the time zone you selected. Upgrade cycles that start before this time will continue to run and can complete after this time.

      For more information, see Upgrade Microsoft Tunnel.

  3. Select Create to save the Site.

Install Microsoft Tunnel Gateway

Before installing Microsoft Tunnel Gateway on a Linux server, configure your tenant with at least one Server configuration, and then create a Site. Later, you’ll specify the Site that a server joins when you install the tunnel on that server.

Use the script to install Microsoft Tunnel

  1. Download the Microsoft Tunnel installation script by using one of the following methods:

    • Download the tool directly by using a web browser. Go to to download the file mstunnel-setup.

    • Sign in to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center > Tenant administration > Microsoft Tunnel Gateway, select the Servers tab, select Create to open the Create a server pane, and then select Download script.

    • Use a Linux command to get the readiness tool directly. For example, on the server where you’ll install the tunnel, you can use wget or curl to open the link

      For example, to use wget and log details to mstunnel-setup during the download, run wget --output-document=mstunnel-setup

  2. To start the server installation, run the script as root. For example, you might use the following command line: sudo chmod +x ./mstunnel-setup. The script always installs the most recent version of Microsoft Tunnel.


    For the U.S. government cloud, the command line must reference the government cloud environment. To do so, run the following comands to add intune_env=FXP to the command line:

    1. Run sudo chmod +x ./mstunnel-setup
    2. Run sudo intune_env=FXP ./mstunnel-setup


    If you stop the installation and script, you can restart it by running the command line again. Installation continues from where you left off.

    When you start the script, it downloads container images from Docker, and creates necessary folders and files on the server.

    During setup, the script will prompt you to complete several admin tasks.

  3. When prompted by the script, accept the license agreement (EULA).

  4. Review and configure variables in the following files to support your environment.

    • Environment file: /etc/mstunnel/ For more information on these variables, see Environment variables in the reference for Microsoft Tunnel article.
  5. When prompted, copy the full chain of your Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate file to the Linux server. The script displays the correct location to use on the Linux server.

    The TLS certificate secures the connection between the devices that use the tunnel and the Tunnel Gateway endpoint. The certificate must have the IPI address or FQDN of the Tunnel Gateway server in its SAN.

    The private key will remain available on the machine where you create the certificate signing request for the TLS certificate. This file must be exported with a name of site.key.

    Install the TLS certificate and private key. Use the following guidance that matches your file format:

    • PFX:

      • The certificate file name must be site.pfx. Copy the certificate file to /etc/mstunnel/private/site.pfx.
    • PEM:

      • The full chain (root, intermediate, end-entity) must be in a single file named site.crt. If your using a certificate issued by a public provider like Digicert, you have the option of downloading the complete chain as a single .pem file.

      • The certificate file name must be *site.crt. Copy the full chain certificate into /etc/mstunnel/certs/site.crt. For example: cp [full path to cert] /etc/mstunnel/certs/site.crt

        Alternatively, create a link to the full chain cert in /etc/mstunnel/certs/site.crt. For example: ln -s [full path to cert] /etc/mstunnel/certs/site.crt

      • Copy the private key file into /etc/mstunnel/private/site.key. For example: cp [full path to key] /etc/mstunnel/private/site.key

        Alternatively, create a link to the private key file in /etc/mstunnel/private/site.key. For example: ln -s [full path to key file] /etc/mstunnel/private/site.key This key shouldn't be encrypted with a password. The private key file name must be site.key.

  6. After setup installs the certificate and creates the Tunnel Gateway services, you’re prompted to sign in and authenticate with Intune. The user account must have either the Intune Administrator or Global Administrator roles assigned. The account you use to complete the authentication must have an Intune license. The credentials of this account aren't saved and are only used for initial sign-in to Azure Active Directory. After successful authentication, Azure app IDs/secret keys are used for authentication between the Tunnel Gateway and Azure Active Directory.

    This authentication registers Tunnel Gateway with Microsoft Endpoint Manager and your Intune tenant.

    1. Open a web browser to and enter the device code that’s provided by the installation script, and then sign in with your Intune admin credentials.

    2. After Microsoft Tunnel Gateway registers with Intune, the script gets information about your Sites and Server configurations from Intune. The script then prompts you to enter the GUID of the tunnel Site you want this server to join. The script presents you with a list of your available sites.

    3. After you select a Site, setup pulls the Server configuration for that Site from Intune and applies it to your new server to complete the Microsoft Tunnel installation.

  7. After the installation script finishes, you can navigate in Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center to the Microsoft Tunnel Gateway tab to view high-level status for the tunnel. You can also open the Health status tab to confirm that the server is online.

Deploy the Microsoft Tunnel client app

To use the Microsoft Tunnel, devices need access to a Microsoft Tunnel client app. You can deploy the tunnel client app to devices by assigning it to users. The following apps are available:


  • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Download Microsoft Defender for Endpoint for use as the Microsoft Tunnel client app from the Google Play store. See Add Android store apps to Microsoft Intune.

    When you use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint as your tunnel client application and as a mobile threat defense (MTD) application, see Use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint for MTD and as the Microsoft Tunnel client app for important configuration guidance.


  • For iOS/iPadOS, download the Microsoft Tunnel client app from the Apple App Store. See Add iOS store apps to Microsoft Intune.

For more information on deploying apps with Intune, see Add apps to Microsoft Intune.

Create a VPN profile

After the Microsoft Tunnel installs and devices install the Microsoft Tunnel client app, you can deploy VPN profiles to direct devices to use the tunnel. To do so, you’ll create VPN profiles with one of the following connection types:

  • Android: Microsoft Tunnel

    The Android platform supports routing of traffic through a per-app VPN and split tunneling rules independently, or at the same time.


    Prior to support for using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint as the tunnel client app, a standalone tunnel client app was available in preview and used a connection type of Microsoft Tunnel (standalone client). As of June 14 2021, both the standalone tunnel app and standalone client connection type are deprecated and drop from support 60 days later on August 14 2021.

  • iOS/iPadOS: Microsoft Tunnel (standalone client)

    The iOS platform supports routing traffic by either a per-app VPN or by split tunneling rules, but not both simultaneously. If you enable a per-app VPN for iOS, your split tunneling rules are ignored.


  1. Sign in to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center > Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile.

  2. For Platform, select Android Enterprise. For Profile select VPN for either Corporate-Owned Work Profile or Personally-Owned Work Profile, and then select Create.


    Android Enterprise dedicated devices aren't supported by the Microsoft Tunnel.

  3. On the Basics tab, enter a Name and Description(optional) and select Next.

  4. For Connection type select Microsoft Tunnel, and then configure the following details:

    • Base VPN:

      • For Connection name, specify a name that will display to users.
      • For Microsoft Tunnel Site, select the tunnel Site that this VPN profile will use.
    • Per-app VPN:

      • Apps that are assigned in the per-app VPN profile send app traffic to the tunnel.
      • On Android, launching an app won't launch the per-app VPN. However, when the VPN has Always-on VPN set to Enable, the VPN will already be connected and app traffic will use the active VPN. If the VPN isn't set to be Always-on, the user must manually start the VPN before it can be used.
      • To enable a per-app VPN, select Add and then browse to custom or public apps you’ve imported to Intune.
    • Always-on VPN:

      • For Always-on VPN, select Enable to set the VPN client to automatically connect and reconnect to the VPN. Always-on VPN connections stay connected. If Per-app VPN is set to Enable, only the traffic from apps you select go through the tunnel.
    • Proxy:

      • Configure proxy server details for your environment.

    For more information about VPN settings, see Android Enterprise device settings to configure VPN


    For Android Enterprise Personally-Owned Work Profile devices that use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint as a Microsoft Tunnel client application and as a MTD app, you must use custom settings to configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint instead of using a separate app configuration profile. Use of custom settings is optional for all other platforms.

  5. On the Assignments tab, configure groups that will receive this profile.

  6. On the Review + create tab, review the configuration, and then select Create to save it.


  1. Sign in to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center > Devices > Device Configuration > Create profile.

  2. For Platform, select iOS/iPadOS, and then for Profile select VPN, and then Create.

  3. On the Basics tab, enter a Name and Description(optional) and select Next.

  4. For Connection type select Microsoft Tunnel (standalone client), and then configure the following items:

    • Base VPN:

      • For Connection name, specify a name that will display to users.
      • For Microsoft Tunnel Site, select the tunnel Site that this VPN profile will use.
    • Per-app VPN:

      • To enable a per-app VPN, select Enable. Additional configuration steps are required for iOS per-app VPNs. When the per-app VPN is configured, your split tunneling rules are ignored by iOS.

        For more information, see Per-App VPN for iOS/iPadOS.

    • On-Demand VPN Rules:
      Define on-demand rules that allow use of the VPN when conditions are met for specific FQDNs or IP addresses.

      For more information, see Automatic VPN settings

    • Proxy:

      • Configure proxy server details for your environment.

Use custom settings for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

Intune supports Microsoft Defender for Endpoint as both a MTD app and as the Microsoft Tunnel client application on Android Enterprise devices. If you use Defender for Endpoint for both the Microsoft Tunnel client application and as a MTD app, you can use custom settings in your VPN profile for Microsoft Tunnel to simplify your configurations. Use of custom settings in the VPN profile replaces the need to use a separate app configuration profile.

For devices enrolled as Android Enterprise personally-owned work profile that use Defender for Endpoint for both purposes, you must use custom settings instead of an app configuration profile. On these devices, the app configuration profile for Defender for Endpoint conflicts with Microsoft Tunnel and can prevent the device from connecting to Microsoft Tunnel.

If you use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint for MTD but not for Microsoft Tunnel, then you continue to use the app configuration profile to configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.

Add app configuration support for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to a VPN profile for Microsoft Tunnel

Use the following information to configure the custom settings in a VPN profile to configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint in place of a separate app configuration profile:

Configuration keyValue typeConfiguration valueInformation about the setting
1 - Enable (default)
0 - Disable
Set a to enable to allow the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint anti-phishing capability to use a local VPN.
1 - Enable (default)
0 - Disable
Set to enable to turn on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint anti-phishing. When disabled, the anti-phishing capability is turned off.
1 - Enable (default)
0 - Disable
Set to enable to use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. When disabled, no Microsoft Defender for Endpoint functionality is available.

Upgrade Microsoft Tunnel

Intune periodically releases updates to the Microsoft Tunnel server. To stay in support, tunnel servers must run the most recent release, or at most be one version behind.

By default, after a new upgrade is available Intune automatically starts the upgrade of tunnel servers as soon as possible, at each of your tunnel sites. To help you manage upgrades, you can configure options that manage the upgrade process:

  • You can allow automatic upgrade of servers at a site, or require admin approval before upgrades being.
  • You can configure a maintenance window which limits when upgrades at a site can start.

For more information about upgrades for Microsoft Tunnel, including how to view tunnel status and configure upgrade opotons, see Upgrade Microsoft Tunnel.

Update the TLS certificate on the Linux server

You can use the ./mst-cli command-line tool to update the TLS certificate on the server:

  1. Copy the new certificate to /etc/mstunnel/certs/site.crt
  2. Copy the private key to /etc/mstunnel/private/site.key
  3. Run: mst-cli import_cert

For more information about mst-cli, see Reference for Microsoft Tunnel.

Uninstall the Microsoft Tunnel

To uninstall the product, run ./mst-cli uninstall from the Linux server as root.

Next steps

Use Conditional Access with the Microsoft Tunnel
Monitor Microsoft Tunnel

NetExtender Overview


For information on using NetExtender, refer to the NetExtender > Status or refer to the DellSonicWALL SRA User’s Guide.

Dell secure mobile access connect tunnel download

What is NetExtender?

In SRA 5.5 and higher, NetExtender capabilities include the Dell SonicWALL Mobile Connect app for Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Mobile Connect enables secure, mobile connections to private networks protected by Dell SonicWALL security appliances. For information about installing and using Dell SonicWALL Mobile Connect, see the Dell SonicWALL Mobile Connect User’s Guide.


The NetExtender Windows client also has a custom-dialer that allows it to be launched from the Windows Network Connections menu. This custom-dialer allows NetExtender to be connected before the Windows domain login. The NetExtender Windows client also supports a single active connection, and displays real-time throughput and data compression ratios in the client.

NetExtender Concepts

Stand-Alone Client
NetExtender with External Authentication Methods
Connection Scripts
Proxy Configuration
Stand-Alone Client

Once the NetExtender stand-alone client has been installed, Windows users can launch NetExtender from their PC’s Start > Programs menu and configure NetExtender to launch when Windows boots.

NetExtender can establish a VPN session before the user logs into the Windows domain. For Windows Vista or later, users can click Switch User on the Windows login screen and click the blue computer icon that appears at the right bottom of the screen to view the dialup connection list, and then can select NetExtender to connect.

Client Routes
IP Address User Segmentation

Dell Secure Mobile Access Connect Tunnel Download For Mac Computer

Administrators can configure separate NetExtender IP address ranges for users and groups. These settings are configured on the Users > Local Users and Users > Local Groups pages, using the NetExtender tab in the Edit User and Edit Group windows.

To reserve a single IP address for an individual user, the administrator can enter the same IP address in both the Client Address RangeBegin and Client Address Range End fields on the NetExtender tab of the Edit Group window.

Client Routes

NetExtender client routes are used to allow and deny access to various network resources. Client routes can also be configured at the user and group level. NetExtender client routes are also configured on the Edit User and Edit Group windows. The segmentation of client routes is fully customizable, allowing the administrator to specify any possible permutation of user, group, and global routes (such as only group routes, only user routes, group and global routes, user, group, and global routes, etc.). This segmentation is controlled by the Add Global NetExtender Client routes and Add Group NetExtender Client routes check boxes.

NetExtender with External Authentication Methods

Networks that use an external authentication server will not configure local usernames on the SRA appliance. In such cases, when a user is successfully authenticated, a local user account is created if the Add Global NetExtender Client routes and Add Group NetExtender Client routes settings are enabled.

Point to Point Server IP Address
Connection Scripts
Tunnel All Mode
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Automatically detect settings - To use this setting, the proxy server must support Web Proxy Auto Discovery Protocol (WPAD)), which can push the proxy settings script to the client automatically.

Dell Secure Mobile Access Connect Tunnel Download For Mac

Use automatic configuration script - If you know the location of the proxy settings script, you can select this option and provide the URL of the script.
Use proxy server - You can use this option to specify the IP address and port of the proxy server. Optionally, you can enter an IP address or domain in the BypassProxy field to allow direct connections to those addresses and bypass the proxy server. If required, you can enter a user name and password for the proxy server. If the proxy server requires a username and password, but you do not specify them, a NetExtender pop-up window will prompt you to enter them when you first connect.

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