The ARCHITECT c 4000 enhances laboratory productivity and provides users high confidence in clinical results. The ARCHITECT c 4000 offers a maximum throughput of up to 800 tests per hour. Featuring a load-up capacity of 100 samples with 35 priority positions, the ARCHITECT c 4000 allows for up to 90 refrigerated reagent positions on board, plus.
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Abbott Architect User Manual
International: Call your Abbott representative. This package insert must be read carefully before product use. Package insert instructions must be carefully Refer to “Architect i2000 Operating Procedure” for instructions on checking The reportable range for Abbott Architect TSH assay is 0.01 mIU/L to 800.00 mIU/L. Online shopping from a great selection at Books Store. I2000SR - Ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online. Abbott ARCHITECT® System Operations Manual. Table of contents-1. Abbott Diagnostics - ARCHITECT i2000SR ARCHITECT i2000SR can be integrated with the ARCHITECT c8000 or ARCHITECT c16000 to consolidate clinical immunoassay (ARCHITECH i2000SR system; Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Therefore, we developed an auto-dilution and manual dilution algorithm by 21 Nov 2015 Abbott Diagnostics, ARCHITECT i2000SR, i4000SR (Immunoassay 2015). refer to operations manual for operational precautions, limitations, Abbott Park, IL 60064. ARCHITECT is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Patents Pending. 201837-107. ARCHITECT System. Operations Manual hormone on architect i2000, abbott prism operating manual pdf online i2000sr immunoassay analyzer abbott core laboratory, abbott i stat 1 system manual pdf 'Abbott Architect i2000sr is a reputable and high quality Japanese designed and manufactured Chemistry Analyzer testing over 55 assays with a maximum Accu-Chek Inform II Blood Glucose Meter pdf manual download. .. c16000 Abbott Architect i1000, i2000, i4000 Abbott AxSYM Abbott i-STAT ACL Systems Accu-Chek Inform II Blood Glucose Meter pdf manual download. .. c16000 Abbott Architect i1000, i2000, i4000 Abbott AxSYM Abbott i-STAT ACL Systems ARCHITECT is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Patents Pending. 201837-104. ARCHITECT®. System Operations. Manual (i 2000,. i2000SR 31 Mar 2019 ARCHITECT I2000SR ANALYZER AUTOMATED IMMUNOASSAY The architect system operations manual p/n 201837-106, january 2009 14 Aug 2017 The Abbott Architect System is a fully automated random access analyser that utilizes a chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (CMIA)